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HSE Figures

5 Star Review
120+ Years Experience Over 120 years' experience
People trained (25,000) - 25,000 trained in last 12 months 25,000 trained in last 12 months
Employed Trainers (100+) - Over 100 employed trainers Over 100 employed trainers
Nationwide (UK Wide Coverage) UK Wide Coverage

Workplace Fatalities in Great Britain 2020/21

Every year the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) releases Great Britain workplace fatalities figures. As leaders in the health and safety sector, we know how important these figures are to a wide variety of industries and wanted to highlight the key numbers. The statistics highlighted below are based on provisional annual data for the period of April 2020 to March 2021 and provides early insight into workplace deaths – and how they occur. A full report of work-related ill health and injuries is also released by the HSE every year and is due in December 2021.

142 Workers Killed



Leading cause was falls from height


Other causes of fatal accidents:



Struck by a moving vehicle



Struck by a moving object


Trapped by something collapsing / overturning



Contact with moving machinery


Most deaths occurred in the Construction industry

Deaths in other industry sectors

Agriculture, forestry & fishing 34 Manufacturing 20 Wholesale, retail, motor repair, accomodation & food 14 Admin & support services 11 Transport & storage 10 Waste 3

The South West had the highest number of fatal injuries in any region



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