We are pleased to announce that we are one of the first companies in the East Midlands to have been awarded the ISO 45001:2018 Health & Safety Management System certification for all seven training centres across the UK.
Our 140 strong workforce provide a range of first class, quality health and safety training and consultancy to industry every day across 7 locations, to ensure our purpose of keeping people safe at work is upheld.
To maintain these standards, we put the health and safety of our workforce and customers at the top of our agenda and are proud to announce that in addition to the renewal of our ISO 9001 and 14001 quality and environmental management certificates, we have been awarded certification for ISO 45001:2018 – the new international occupational health and safety standard – following a five-day audit by an independent auditor from ACM.
Paul Wilson, our Director of Safety, Health, Environment and Quality said “Health and Safety is at the forefront of everything we do, whether that be conducting work on our sites or carrying out work on customer sites. Our strap line is ‘keeping people safe’ and our ethos is to employ the best and most modern health and safety standards and work practices, ISO 45001 guides us to do this.
We felt it important to transition to the most recent international standard for Occupational Health & Safety as quickly as possible, rather wait until the 3-year lapse of OHSAS 18001. This new standard reflects a more modern approach to H&S and focuses our risk management within our business processes. The transition particularly made us think closely about understanding our business, and how we involve our workforce in participation and consultation and encourage them to become involved in our H&S Strategy and Objectives. As a result, we have implemented more working groups using workers from all levels across the business.
ISO 45001 very much focuses us on Risk and Opportunity, making people think about the direction the organisation is going it and what are the risks that prevent this happening. Whilst documented procedures remain important, there is less focus on having such a procedure for everything we do and more focus on proactively managing the risks.”