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Mines Rescue Specialists

Experienced Trainers (Expertise and Experience) Expertise and Experience
Breathing Apparatus Use (Long Duration Breathing Apparatus) Long Duration Breathing Apparatus
Nationwide (UK Wide Coverage) UK Wide Coverage
Flexible working (flexible solutions) Flexible Solutions
We Get To Know You (Advice and Guidance) Advice and Guidance

MRS Training & Rescue have the skills and competencies of a specialist rescue provider as defined within the Mines Regulations 2014, and we continue to provide rescue arrangements to mines across the UK.  

The Mines Regulation 2014 is a set of regulations that oversees the health and safety of workers involved in UK mining operations. The regulation came into force in April 2015 and sets out to control the major hazards associated with underground mines. A major hazard is a single event that could lead to a catastrophic outcome causing multiple fatalities. 

We have unrivalled worldwide expertise and experience developed through our extensive history in coal mining and are competent in handling emergency situations and preventing incidents occurring.

With expertise in:

  • Mining operations
  • Rescue operations
  • Sealing off and reopening mine areas
  • Interpreting results of mine environmental information to understand risk factors
  • Mine ventilation
  • Geotechnical engineering

Major mining companies in the UK trust us to deliver their emergency response and rescue service when needed.

Our highly trained rescue team leaders service the National Mines Rescue Scheme. These individuals are trained, assessed and fully competent to produce rescue schemes, plans, risk assessments and method statements to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

What kinds of obstacles are involved in mines rescue?

Mines rescue teams can be required to perform rescues and inspection in conditions that include:

  • Toxic or oxygen deficient atmospheres
  • Long distances (4000m plus there and back is not unusual)
  • Hot and humid conditions
  • Poor visibility (smoke)
  • Poor underfoot conditions
  • Damaged infrastructure
  • Restricted access
  • Restricted height

They can, for rescue purposes, be asked to travel in the conditions outlined above, and at the end of this, treat and rescue casualties. They then must do the return trip, this time transporting and keeping alive a casualty.

To ask rescue workers to undertake this arduous operation they must have complete faith and total confidence in the equipment they are being provided with. It is essential to ensure their safety while they perform a rescue or take remedial action to prevent injury or to minimize damage. The workforce also needs to be confident that a rescue will be effective. Key to this is the breathing apparatus they are provided with.


Our mine rescue teams

All our rescue operatives are trained in the wearing of BG4 closed circuit long duration breathing apparatus. In the difficult conditions encountered in underground mines, the BG4 is used effectively by Mines Rescue teams around the world. The BG4 self-contained regenerative closed circuit breathing apparatus combines uncompromising safety with outstanding respiratory protection and wearer comfort. This breathing apparatus provides the wearer with up to four hours of breathing air in toxic or oxygen deficient environments.

MRS Training & Rescue’s teams also all meet the requirements of National Occupations Standards for Rescue Operations developed for rescue team leaders and all have completed training based on those standards. This includes:

  • Being able to operate safely in the mine
  • Being able to conform to efficient working practices
  • Being able to identify, monitor and control emergency hazards
  • Being able to inspect and use breathing apparatus and equipment
  • Being able to assist in firefighting
  • Being able to save and preserve endangered life

Our mines rescue services

Being part of the National Mines Rescue Scheme, we provide the following service to contracted mines:

  • Maintain an availability of a manned 24 hours a day, 7 days a week emergency call out line. 
  • Respond initially with one Rescue Team leader and one vehicle, kitted out with the agreed equipment
  • Make reasonable endeavours to make available five rescue operatives if requested.
  • If the emergency requires additional support, we will endeavour to make available additional competent personnel, breathing apparatus and other equipment. 
  • Where required as part of the Escape and Rescue Plan of the mine, we will:
  • Assist the rescue operatives of the contracted mine in an emergency
  • Co-ordinate the attendance of other rescue operatives from other sources.
  • Provide persons with experience in the maintenance and use of suitable breathing apparatus and other rescue equipment (at the mine). 
  • Advise on the sealing off of underground workings. 
  • Provide staff to participate in and assess a mock emergency at each mine, service breathing apparatus and other rescue equipment we provide and produce a report on the mock emergency which will detail potential points the contracted mine should consider to improve their arrangements. 
  • When requested, advise on the preparation of an Escape and Rescue Plan. 
  • At times agreed with the contracted mine, inspect and report on emergency equipment and accommodation available at the mine. 
  • Undertake and supervise training exercises, including the assessment of our and the rescue operatives of each contracted mine against current mines rescue operative awards.

Get a quote!

For a no obligation discussion about your requirements, please contact your nearest MRS Training & Rescue Centre or fill in the enquiry form below:


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Our Heritage

MRS Heritage

For over 120 years, MRS has provided its specialist skills, experience and knowledge to effect the rescue and escape of mine workers from underground. Read more about our historic heritage, and how it has impacted on our present and future, by clicking here

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