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Marine Consultancy

120+ Years Experience Over 120 years' experience
Nationwide (UK Wide Coverage) UK Wide Coverage
Cost savings Cost Savings
We Get To Know You (Advice and Guidance) Advice and Guidance
Flexible working (flexible solutions) Flexible Solutions

In the Marine industry it is recognised that Enclosed Space problems, coupled with increasing accident rates, cannot be ignored and there is very little existing specialist assistance, training or advice available. MRS Training & Rescue is now offering a consultancy service to the Marine Industry which can provide your company with access to specialist advice in relation to your Enclosed Space problems. We are available to visit your company, ship or platform, and consult on any particular problem you may have, as well as advising on your training and/or equipment requirements


Enclosed Space Audits

MRS Training & Rescue can undertake a full audit of your enclosed spaces and existing procedures with a view to identifying areas for development. The audit will review existing procedures (Risk Assessment, Method Statements, Permits to Work, and Rescue Procedures), operative competence, training and equipment. Upon completion a full report will be submitted to the client which will include all observations and where necessary recommendations for system improvements.

Enclosed Space Design and Modification

A major cause of injury and death in an Enclosed Space, especially tanks, is the fact that proper consideration may not have been given to the actual design of these spaces for the safety of those entering, working and, in the event of emergency, being rescued from them. Mines Rescue Marine offers consultancy in new ship design to help improve the safety of crew in these spaces or, indeed, current ship enclosed space modification to help overcome existing problems.

Equipment Consultancy

There is a considerable amount of equipment on the market designed for the numerous hazards connected with Enclosed Space situations. It is therefore easy to order and be supplied with the wrong equipment, or equipment unsuitable for a particular problem. MRS Training & Rescue exhaustively tests equipment for their own Training Centres and before use by their own Entry and Rescue Teams. Only after such tests will MRS Training & Rescue supply this equipment through its online equipment catalogue. Where standard equipment cannot be used or is unsuitable for the task, specialised equipment can be designed that will be suitable for the purpose.

We will be pleased to visit your Company to discuss any particular problem which may require advice.


Expert Accident Analysis

The Company also offers a confidential expert investigation of any Enclosed Space accident or incident, providing an analysis and, where required, recommendations for future prevention.

If you require further information or if you would like to make an enquiry please contact us.

Get a quote!

For a no obligation discussion about your requirements, please contact your nearest MRS Training & Rescue Centre or fill in the enquiry form below:


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MRS Heritage

For over 120 years, MRS has provided its specialist skills, experience and knowledge to effect the rescue and escape of mine workers from underground. Read more about our historic heritage, and how it has impacted on our present and future, by clicking here

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